The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio EP 12 REACTION & REVIEW

so here we are with episode 12 the final episode of the many sides of voice actor radio last episode yasami finally asked youu he for advice so we’ll just have to see how this advice will help her in the most important recording of uh of her career probably I think so anyways we’ll just have to see what’s going to happen in this episode if you guys like the video like the video If you dislike it dislike it I do have my full length up on patreon and Early Access in the YouTube membership other than that let us get started all right at heating the people around you yeah and then that makes your performance even worse mhm this is my acting do you submit oh almost like a fake it till you make it you know yeah doesn’t care how long you’ve been as long as you are professional right it’s a doggy dog whirl out here oh oo thought she was cool here I am going to your solo recording session she’s coming your ass support come on all right what are these words of wisdom hosan yeah that’s the blond yeah oh wow she’s doing it out of love which means that if bers to talk to somebody oh yeah it is tough love you know as I grew up I started to not really enjoy tough love as much it’s not really my thing you know she’s like I’m also talented Let’s Go full speed where up brakes are busted o oh [ __ ] so basically like how when she first started uh voice acting right she was like no uh all gas no breakes and yet we chose you damn dog talk about a backhanded compliment o [Music] 120 it’s supposed to be a solo recording session but they’re no they’re here for you the Su text book is your wouldn’t she be a cuder more like anyways all right this is my acting all right let’s go I just love the silence between all of this damn you feel that in your heart yeah a lot of a lot of parallels damn dude she’s sweating out here I was thinking I’m like did youi not say her line sir but nobody say anything I’m like okay that’s it that’s the end of the episode very nice she got so caught up in it she’s just like oh we’re done they’re all so shook if they’re just like whoa you got really into character she just wiping her sweat yeah I was like she did sound a little scared a little intimidated I’m only wiping One Cheek of yours wipe the other cheek yourself so much potential for growth oh my God they just walk off into a the darkness she’s leaving all upset it was [ __ ] great damn really trying to get really trying to get yui to admit it how dare you you try to get me to speak out my feelings o damn just left her in the elevator reced hit the air okay still far off in the future all right just gave us a little snippet oh the one that’s uh yeah the one that feels like they’re troubling they they’re teammates right okay yeah oh good for you what uh oh obvious Yuri bit think can just talk about what they really hate about each other and that can just translate to love it it yeah like it doesn’t have to be loveby duby you know just make it really obvious like hey we don’t hate each other all right we just tolerate one [Laughter] another Yi’s listes she has nice tits o you helped make your own lunch Domestic Goddess vibes [Music] [ __ ] y me is out here like oh obvious you’re a b but also he asked me to walk on a do you guys often go separately you guys are going the same direction like what ah remember that day we’re going through all of like the recap spots and an assignment this challenging I just knew it you got big big big Bitties what if we just make up stuff oh going on a little detour to uh I forgot this is still the recap area so we yeah remind of all the things that we’ve done so that was like first second episode second I think first second wow you’re both jealous of each other we’ll be faing over each other wow the managers are just listening together and talking about it live commentary they’re suffering these are all the things I [ __ ] hate about you ow the shin all right really ends with please say night things about each other H credits and then there’s nothing after the credits it looks like okay all right this was a nice rather but also rather tepid finale I feel definitely kind of just a uh you know the show goes on and all that so all right all right that’s the that’s the end of the show so I guess I’ll just go right back to the center all right so that was episode 12 of the many sides of voice actor radio let me know what you guys think about it in the in in the comments down below or in the new UI it’s probably on this side or something so uh for me I thought that this was uh well I I said it I I thought that it was uh well I didn’t say it was a good conclusion but I I’m saying it here now right I thought it was a nice conclusion to the uh the whole recording Spiel but at the same time it also does feel like a bit of a tepid ending in the way that again it’s like the show just kind of goes on and that’s just that’s just sort of it you know I feel like there’s really nothing too much for me to say other than like uh well here in the beginning with yui giving advice to yasmi right which Yi’s advice is just basically fake it till you make it yeah you’re you’re out here intimidated by all these professionals all these veterans that like you’re trying a little bit too hard so you got to be like me you know just come out with your W with your chest puffed up and just and just [ __ ] act you know [ __ ] show them basically dominate over everybody else right even if you’re a new newcomer or whatnot right you’re going to come in here and show your skills to everybody and that’s what Yi says right this is my acting right submit to me so I I I like that that’s what yui says and then when it is time to get to the recording yasmi decided that I’m going to show them my acting the same thing that Yi told her to do and it’s it’s so [ __ ] good that like yasmi ends up getting right into character that yui is just over here looking at yasmi and just like [ __ ] intimidated by her it’s just like oh my God and I love that towards the end uh I I think it was Morty I think it was Morty who who told who asked the uh uh director the sound director suisha who was just like it’s just like hey do you think it was all right for uh for for yui or for whatever the name of yui character is for her to sound scared and I was just like yo that’s so funny she was so intimidated by yasami that like she was scared during the which also really helps with like the how I say how how bat [ __ ] insane the Yi’s character is right so then for yui’s character to get a little intimidated but like for her to get intimidated IRL as well good [ __ ] dude good [ __ ] I will say you know good on Morty and Ono for uh what is it for coming in to to help with the recording and all that even though it was just supposed to be a solo recording I mean the same thing goes with yui as well where she what is it Shi came to the solo recording even though it’s supposed to only be yasami we also had yui talk about Modi and how Modi gives her lectures and everything and it’s just like well you know that she doesn’t really give lectures often and it’s because she just has a grain of an idea that if you’re going to quit after all of this then there’s like no bot there’s no need to bother to to lecture you and whatnot you know be uh showing some some tough love and all that and as I said during the reaction as I’ve grown up not really exact I’m not exactly a big fan of tough love and all that that’s that’s kind of a something that is that goes around my family a lot and like that’s I mean the whole like tough love thing with my family is like the biggest reason why I have like this major anxiety in the first place so I’m like I don’t think tough love works for me it works for other people you know but it definitely doesn’t work for me and you know it might work for yasami as well cuz yasami continues to uh continues to step forward even through all this adversity so after the recording as you can see yasmi has now gone the respect of Morty and Ono Ono is just out here with her handkerchief just wiping one side of yami’s cheek only she she needs to do the other one by herself and Modi uh goes up to yasim to ask like what’s your age and what’s your year uh you know how many years you’ve been acting and so she’s she’s practically young she’s 17 she’s only been doing this for three here so Morty is just like ah you ah this is why I hate youo people y’all can just transform into anything you want but also we have this moment when the both of them came in and like M was just always like I’m not here to do this for you you know and so Ono is just like Ah that’s right out of the suere textbooks and I’m just like you son of a [ __ ] you know my rules if they get outed as a Sunday I’ll are forgiven so um Mory has been cleansed now I love this part where she just runs away yui I mean and yasmi has to catch up to her cuz like yui is still feeling that you know she’s just like oh my God Jesus [ __ ] Christ y acting is just so good meanwhile [ __ ] yasm is over here like you know I was so surprised it ended so quick I was expecting to stay here the whole day you know like oh you think I was doing all right you think I was doing good and she’s basically trying to get affirmation from yui and yui is just over like I don’t want to admit that your acting is good o this is what I hate about you you’ve got all this [ __ ] talent and you can’t even acknowledge it and then you’re trying to make me say it to you you son of a [ __ ] for the second half it was just Yi and yasmi doing their regular radio show but they have a new one where they have to uh say some uh quotequote lovey-dovey stuff and I like that they’re talking about like the obvious Yuri bait and everything meanwhile this this whole series so I I I really enjoy that little bit of self-awareness in it and also like the self-awareness of like the fact that there are you know Idol or I don’t know well probably voice actors and all that if they do something similar like idle work like they would sort of end up doing that whole like Yu bait stuff cuz that’s like that’s like a popular thing and whatnot I don’t really care too much for it TBH you know yri bait in anime shows I I’m I’m like I can tolerate you know cuz they’re just shows Yuri bait from like IRL people in real life people you know from actual people who are doing those y bait and like it’s not actually real I’m just like why even like I’m just and like I just obviously I know that they’re doing that to Garner like uh fans and like revenue and all that but I’m just like no you know not really not not really my thing you know it’s it’s a although I do find it very interesting that for some reason in like even in like the vtuber space and like the whole Yuri bait [ __ ] it’s like rather accepting you know it’s it’s rather an accepted platform sort of but I’m also I haven’t been in the vtuber stage in like a very long time so I don’t know how that has even involved I do find it that interesting that like Yuri baiting and these type of scenarios are like fine quotequote fine so I I mean I assume people still have problems with it I have problems with it but like if it’s somebody who just uh if it’s like outside of that media and somebody kind of does something similar to that or even if they’re going to say like oh I have an announcement to make you know it’s a very important thing and then people think that you might be coming out or something and it’s not and like that counts it’s like queer ating and it’s like a bad thing you know I I I that one just kind of came into my mind but I don’t know I I was going to say but maybe there’s a difference but like I feel like in the end it’s that they they both do the same thing they’re trying to Garner viewership and they’re trying to Garner revenue and like and anyways anyways talking about yri bait IRL I don’t I don’t care overall for this anime I really enjoyed it overall uh I I enjoy bickering uh characters you know who just like hate each other but like also don’t hate each other you know but like maybe they hate each other so much that they might end up of negating that hatred and it just turns into love you know they as they say two negatives make a positive it’s so I I I really enjoy these type of character Dynamics but man I did not expect the amount of [ __ ] drama that was happening in the show but like it’s so good like I I don’t like please do not feed me more of it but like I’ll gladly take it if you give it to me like this was this this overall this show was really good and like we had that moment of like uh when yasm was going through retake hell you know and like that scene I hadn’t felt that that Rush of anxiety to me since uh since and I mentioned it since Yuri is my job and like Yuri is my job is like uh uh is is a dramedy you know cuz which by the way when Yuri’s my job came out and they were advertising themel as a dramedy I’m just like oh a comedic dramedy okay comedic drama a com a comedic drama you know that might sound very cool and then I go through the [ __ ] manga and I I read it and I’m just like where’s the humor in this all I feel is drama and anxiety and I I do feel like this show uh in terms of like the beginning and how it went I don’t know if there’s a I feel like there’s a bit of more balance I I do think that it does lean a little bit more towards like the drama I but I still feel that there’s a lot of comedic aspect to it Yuri is my job kind of balance itself out eventually but but also I I do see the comedy in it once I like read over it again but I think when I first read through it I was just like I don’t know where the comedy was but uh okay so back to the show I do think that the quality of this show has been uh has been rather balanced and like uh stagnant which should be fine cuz like it shouldn’t like go down right like I don’t think the quality of an anime should go down with every episode I definitely think they should be able to stay balanced and keep this quality that they have and I feel like that this is what this the show has I I I I wonder if this show was already completed before it aired which would would make sense on like the quality of it I really enjoy the subjects that they’ve talked about for like the whole voice actor stuff so uh I I really enjoyed that and just seeing all like some some of the stuff that happens like behind the scenes you know kind of like with oi noo and how it talks about like the dark side of the the idols and stuff overall I really like the character cast for this show again I really like yui and yasami uh I like OT and meun as well for like the backups and all the other characters I think they’re all right you know I think they’re all right I wrote this name n n shy and I just don’t know who this person is I don’t remember who this why did I write this person’s name I don’t know I do enjoy that because yui and yasmi are voice actors you know the voice actors of them are playing these two who are voice actors we so we do get to see a bit of a range between uh yui and yasmi so I really enjoyed that as well but overall can’t really think of too many other things it made me feel the most anxious I have felt in a in a long time in terms of shows I mean not like any IRL stuff so I’m glad that they decided to do that I can’t wait to watch this again probably an English dub does if there is one probably not hold on let me see no there’s no dub yet but if it does get a dub you know I want to watch it again I’ll probably watch it in that but it might not we we’ll just have to see typically if it’s like on high dive I feel it would get like a dub anyways this was a good series let’s not talk about that bath scene and uh thank you guys for uh sticking around you know if I have anything else I’ll write in the description down below or probably somewhere in the sides or something once the new UI kicks in so uh against the yes we sticking around and I will see you guys when I see you

*Ike’s reaction to EP 12 of The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio (Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote).*

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The first half got me invested in an anime within an anime lol.

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🕒 Timestamps!
0:00 – Like the video if you liked it!
0:32 – Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote EP 12 Reaction
11:35 – The final recording (for Yasumi)
17:20 – Ike rants about yuribait
19:56 – Thoughts on the anime

❓ What is The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio (Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote)?

(Taken from MAL)

Yuuhi Yuugure and Yasumi Utatane, two high school voice actresses who just happened to attend the same school and coincidentally got placed into the same class, are the two hosts of a radio weekly program. As fellow classmates and voice actresses, they show all the listeners their great friendship! At least, on the surface. In reality, the quiet girl Chika and the gyaru Yumiko are complete opposites. And they absolutely cannot stand each other. Off air, chaos and insults erupt. On air, they’re the best of friends. Just where will this tumultuous relationship lead them?

🎼 Music from Epidemic Sound

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#声優ラジオのウラオモテ #TheManySidesofVoiceActorRadio


  1. This show is such a sleeper. It's not mind-blowing or anything but it's tons of fun and it takes itself just seriously enough to be really memorable for me. Really refreshing dynamic between our two leads and pretty consistent animation considering how low key of a production it is.

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