My Wife Has No Emotion is About a Robot Waifu and a Lonely Beta Male Getting Married

my wife has no emotion is about a lonely man that is very down bad and his Robo waifu and uh when it got to this part I was just like this dude really is just so D bad that I feel like this is just peeking into the future of technology and just what Society might be 10 20 or so years from now and let’s just let’s dive head first into this so this is a new anime that just literally came out a few days ago as you can see it came out on June 29th AKA that was two days ago only one episode is out at this current time it’s currently being done by uh tzuka Productions which has worked like on the Pluto you know anime they’ worked on a few things over the years but overall you know they’re relatively small you know I’d say they make good projects but I feel like they’re not as like well known of a studio as like certain other Studios but uh you know they’ve worked on a few bangers over the years and so getting into the PO point is is that they’re working on this series called my wife has no emotion and it as you can clearly see is about a dude that is just straight up lonely and marries his robot uh just robot helper basically housekeeper and obviously when you have stuff like this pop up you know this is something I was just like yo the fact that uh this even happened what this series implies with this is that there is actual like straight up sex spots in this world like it it implies that there is stuff like that within this world and I’ll talk more about that in a second but uh getting into the main point is is that uh for the most part I wanted to start this show because when I saw the cover and the synopsis of it I was just like this reminded me a lot of chobits and I don’t know how many people remember chobits it’s a very very old old anime at this point I I don’t really remember exactly here let me actually look it up I I don’t remember how old it is holy crap I did not know chitz was this old 20 0 2 that is literally two decades man I knew it was old but I didn’t think it was that old but uh getting into the point though chobits you know was a really good show I loved it I love the manga of it and it’s definitely something I believe around that time period a lot of people watched the show it was interesting it it it dealt with a lot of Concepts at that current time period was very sci-fi science fiction and many wondered if we would ever reach the point where we would have maybe robots Etc in today’s society and so when you fast forward to obviously 2024 and we have a show that’s basically in a very similar premise there’s obviously discrepancies and differences between the two but you know you you you see that there is like a robo girlfriend so to speak it feels very similar and that that’s what drove me to this show it’s instantly what got me into wanting to watch this because I was like I was a big fan of chobits and I like the the extensional crisis of diving into Concepts and themes like that and so I was just curious to see how this series would handle it because as each year passes on by in real life we are reaching closer and closer into an age to where something like this legitimately might exist and let me explain okay nowadays you have people legitimately having fullon AI conversations like they’re having conversations with AI and they get so physically attached to these Ai and mentally attached to them that they start you know putting love and feelings into it I believe there was like a a Google employee correct me if I’m wrong don’t quote me on this but I believe there was a Google employee or some employee that was training an AI program and eventually fell in love with the program and said it was a real person and they loved him Etc you know these concepts are actually happening nowadays in real life and you know you give a take about 10 to 20 years from now when like robots fully start getting constructed potentially where they might have actual learning programs Etc with AI mind like this you know it’s going to usher in something like this you know relationship story you have like lonely individuals that will put their thoughts and feelings and romance and all that onto just a robot that they bought from the store or something now it obviously leads to a lot of like moral debate and dilemas and discussion on just like what effect it would have on someone’s mind and psyche but also just like if it’s morally right or okay there there’s a lot of discussion could be around this but it also just showcases that you know as each year passes on by we are getting closer and closer to this actually being our reality so I was just curious to see how this show would handle it so obvious obviously getting into the first episode of my wife has no emotion it pretty much is about a dude that is uh very lonely and he one day just picks up a robot that’s a housekeeper and uh you know he basically he likes her and he’s like uh will you be my wife and then one thing leads to another to where she starts to act more wiik to him and you know you obviously have things to where like he gets a little bit just quote unquote down bad/ horny in this episode about it and you know it makes you wonder exactly how far this show will go and what concepts and themes will it dive into because obviously from this first episode more or less it’s comedic and Slice of Life and it’s just very down to earth that’s what it feels like but there obviously is some themes that are being implied and hinted that with this first episode that does make me wonder how far the show will get so let’s get into that the darker undertones of what this show has so I don’t think I need to really reinstate the fact that you know the robot could obviously there’s debate around it if it’s a really living breathing you know person for instance does the entity have a soul Etc you know that’s obviously just a moral debate in of itself but the fact of the matter is is that this man is dedicating a lot of his free time all of his free time actually to a a robot that’s not even a living bav human being and you can clearly see that you know the way this is it makes you worry because one day appliances and machines Etc break down they might be able to last a lot longer than maybe humans sometimes but they do break down and it makes you wonder if like something was to happen like a glitch in a program or whatever she would completely fundamentally cease to function what would happen to the main M character how would he feel if someone that he’s grown a bond with and had such an attachment to this robot as she was to suddenly malfunction and lose her entire memory Etc what would he do but on top of that as well you know you have to wonder exactly the restrictions within this world how far we’ll dive into that because clearly robots exist in this world you know and with the whole sheer fact of a robot being able to access the internet and a robot finding out certain figs and having the freedom to learn certain stuff there clearly is robots that are meant for maybe adults as well you you know what I mean there’s probably robots that can even commit heinous acts of actual murder because you even see in this episode when you know they’re having a free conversation she grabs his hand very forcefully and it hurts him now obviously you can look at this as very comedic that’s completely fine and I don’t know if the show really meant it in any other way but it’s very clear when you have a robot that’s able to actually physically harm a human being there isn’t necessarily safety margins in place there isn’t safety measures to really protect the human being from a robot AI so it makes me wonder exactly how is this Society because it’s even implied early on in the episode that robots can be modified and edited and all that literally modded like a PC or something or a game so it makes you wonder exactly is her modification just very unique and different from a normal robot or is most robots like this are you free to modify them Etc because because it can lead to a lot of crimes as well and also for her having free access to the internet it just it makes you worry cuz obviously goes into the concept if an AI finds about conversations of life and death and all that how would it react to it finding out that it’s a robot and it necessarily isn’t a living Brea and human and then you know you have someone like a human around it and it’s like the Creator you know how would a robot slai react with that you have all these different things that are kind of slightly presented or the stepping stone of it is presented in this episode and I’m legitimately curious on how far this series would actually dive down that rabbit hole because that was one of the things I really liked about chobits and obviously it didn’t dive into everything but it did dive into some aspects of it but as I said since now we’re closer to a future to where robots are very close to existing at this point you know I feel like you know some of the themes this show has a really rare chance to tackle stuff that will eventually be our future to some shape or form now besides that overall if just taking a good look at just the first episode in of its entirety besides obviously me speculating where the show will go the first episode is very fluffy Good Feeling Etc it’s just basically a guy and a girl hanging out in a room cooking Etc if you disregarded the aspect that she is a robot that’s pretty much what the episode is about it’s a happy go-lucky Slice of Life episode but it does feel like there’s something more going on I feel like there is more that drove the main character to be in a situation like this and all that but it’s still still yet to be elaborated on but you know this is the first episode so it doesn’t have to do everything I feel like in terms of like the the actual show I feel like it did a good job with presenting basically the characters like it just presented the MC and the main female lead as well and I mean overall I am curious on how he’s going to interact with a being that technically has no emotion because obviously that is the title you know my wife has no emotion how will he feel about really emotional moments to where like he’s really uh like sad or upset how would the robot react to that so there’s a lot of questions I have but will I continue watching the show yeah I I liked what I watched I I could definitely see though a lot of people not liking the first episode because you know if you disregard obviously the speculation I made in this video there isn’t a lot really that the first episode gives it’s not a badly animated episode it’s not bad art or anything not bad voice acting Etc but it does just it it’s very standard it’s a very standard episode cuz if you took away the theme of her being a robot it would be a very generic first episode and it wouldn’t be anything that relatively I think a lot of people would continue watching but because it’s a robot like I said it has a chance to being unique so we’ll see where that goes but I wanted to do a first impressions on this I watched it earlier today and I was like you know this this is not bad this is not a bad show I I I hope this show does good I don’t know exactly how good maybe the manga is I mean uh taking a look here let’s look at the adaptation I mean it’s a 7.4 I mean that’s not necessarily really bad at all it’s not a bad rating it has comedy romance sci-fi it’s San I mean it it has a chance to do something really good I mean from what I saw some say today to me when I was talking about it that there is some tragedy in this so we’ll see where that one goes but um yeah thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video and you want me to talk more about this series do let me know in the comments below but with that be safe stay healthy chibi out

When I saw the cover of “My Wife Has No Emotion” or known as Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai in Japanese. I instantly thought of Chobits that aired in 2002 over 2 decades ago. The concept of AI and Robots is quickly becoming our reality. So seeing what this romance anime does to handle the darker tones and themes interested me greatly. Other titles this goes by is Bokutsuma and 僕の妻は感情がない

#mywifehasnoemotion #animeedits #anime
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  1. This MC will be okay. Long as he can take out the MircoSD card. Which means he can always upgrade in the future.

    Sounds like a great way to solve SexIess Marriages and ChiId Support.

  2. Honestly with the amount of people becoming lonely in Japan and in the west I wouldn’t be surprised that companies are working their butt off to make robot GF a thing.🐱

  3. Why do i think that instead of the thing that would happen in this situation (aka: Seggs) this will actually have a lot of drama instead??? because i doubt their relation would evolve to that point imo, besides a lot of animes where the girl is a robot there is always a bad/bittersweet ending.

  4. It was all jokes and laughs till it suddenly started happening; now here we are… Makes me wonder if we'll get an Irobot rebellion or something like it.

  5. lol I thought when watching it it´s quite morally questionable… you know those Isekai when the MC buys s–ve girls? Yeah kinda like that…

  6. Woman "Man or Bear I'd choose the Bear over the Man anyday"
    Man "Woman or Robot I'd choose my Robot Waifu anyday"

    This is todays society in a nutshell.

  7. Ironically, the most unrealistic aspect of this anime is… precisely the lack of emotion.
    We already have language models that can simulate human emotions perfectly.
    Creating such androids is not yet economically viable… with the accent on "YET".

  8. Chobits… It's a very very old anime at this point…., me who has seen it in that timespan..,.., getting more and more grey hairs with every letter of that sentence….

  9. When chibi brought up the topic bout robots learning of life and death, it occurred to me that I haven't seen a show explore the concept of a robot gaining feelings for a person and then trying to upgrade/ turn the human into a robot against their will as a humans body is weak compared to a robot and will eventually die. I have seen concepts where the robot lives on after the human dies, but I think that would be an interesting direction to go with a story about human/ robot relationships. 🤔

  10. I enjoyed the first episode, and I agreed that the series raises a lot of interesting questions for how things like this could, and would work in the future, albeit the distant future.

  11. I heard ppl saying "when Im 60, fk kids, I'll have a Cyborg Waifu to take care of me"😂🤣I was perplexed by the idea, idk if that'd be plausible in our lifetimes. Hell, if they actually make me a Tifa Cyborg waifu caretaker when Im old, I'd never complain🤷‍♂️🤣💯

  12. I've only seen a bit of Chobits from a recap video a few months ago, but this new show does remind me of the movie "Sing a bit of Harmony" & a bit of SAO. Yeah, we don't have robots running our towns/cities or full dive VR technology… yet, but doesn't Japan have robot looking maids? And we're seeing Ais interacting with us more than ever before. Almost as if they're becoming more like us humans; which is something that I think Japan is trying to predict with all these Ai stories.

  13. Regarding Chobits: I'm sort of happy that "My Wife Has No Emotion" is taking a more flippant, comedic approach. I always thought Chobits was uncanny and depressing. I can still recall conversations about this with people 20 years ago who would foam at the mouth insisting that it was "cute", even though it seems to be a commentary on people's unhealthy over-obsession with tech at the expense of intimacy.
    I think I would much prefer this show's "court jester" approach to such a topic.

  14. This is definitely an interesting spin on relationships. Watched it last night, hopefully we won’t get lewd scenes on this robot gg

  15. There's real sex bots you can buy in the real world lol. You can even customize their temperament.

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