Himari Switches Sides?! | Whisper Me a Love Song Episode 9 REACTION

so it has been a while three weeks be precise since the last episode of whisper Me Love Song and I don’t want to go too much into the production issues I feel like you guys either already know about it or you can always look it up yourself I’m not going to talk about it I’m not the channel for it so anyways in the previous episode we got isom’s backstory which was pretty uh it had some pretty sad moments in it and obviously we had just Isom being a dedicated hater she was like you know what I hate you so I’m going to become better than you in your favorite instrument she’s just she’s just so dedicated dedicated to hating and I love her I love her uh I can’t wait to see I actually really really really like the story of this and I really like the characters in this um so I’m really excited to see how it progresses especially with iomi like I just really like iomi I just really like her so I want to see how it goes um I’m going to be honest it’s been a it’s been 3 weeks so I am trying to remember where exactly we left off but I feel like I’m going to get reminded this episode so I don’t think it’s going to be that big of a deal but anyways um if you want to watch this uncut un blood it’s going to be on my Pat which is down the description and without further Ado let’s go into whis Premier Love Song episode 9 oh yeah is me [Music] and so sounds a bit different maybe I’m just tripping oh okay she sounds normal here okay [Music] there seems to be more to that yeah that that’s the look of yeah sure let’s just wrap it up gotcha [Music] gotcha let’s see a plan a blunder and a commotion [Music] for oh I have a feeling that’s gon to get spicy though I about that one yeah surely everything’s going to go fine yes of course yeah yeah that’s about what I expected [Music] yeah I love you the battle of the best gos here it is that was a bra thing good luck mean I Yori doesn’t really care that much but it doesn’t have any beef for for oh yeah a bit a tiny bit at least she’s I wonder is going to be up o this is spicy you what come on steal the beans claming up I really like her I forgot what her name is the no I feel like he definitely is over spping a tiny bit yeah I I respect it macarons of course of course oh here you go she’s going no she’s going to waitting SK oh Yori ah of course G of [Music] course yeah Bonafide girlfriends let’s go wait why does me look this surprised is because she yeah yo this is some delectable tea the story in this is so much fun Al the voice acting is incredible [Music] everything’s stolen away wait before she tells the condition I’m I’m still bit um stunned by or like confused by the fact that she said I’m tired of getting everything stolen away from me what did she get stolen away from does she just mean like hea as a friend because she’s she’s a girlfriend to she’s the girlfriend of um Yori who’s a member of ss does she just mean like she’s tired of getting uh like Hima because Hima got stolen away from her from being a friend I don’t know uh that was interesting line okay what’s the condition or does she actually like Hima oh okay no she doesn’t like her but Lor is manager OB [Music] that’s interesting that’s so that’s so good agree to it agree to it yeah it is it kind of is yes yo that that’s so much fun that’s going to be so much fun that’s going to be chaos oh my God yes yeah it was really ambitious oh okay okay okay I see okay but that’s oh that’s so much fun [Music] so dumb oh okay that’s that’s fine don’t worry she worry you don’t need to worry too much about that oh I really like her [Music] [Music] voice that sounds easy enough P off she dragged herself into this where’s your [Music] I really like this girl we don’t know much about her but she seems like the I like this episode’s really good really really good man I don’t know why but something about the way they do drama in this this anime is so good it’s so much [Music] [Music] fun yeah yeah that’s it competitiveness honestly don’t mind either of the groups winning to be fair so wait wait wait if I understand this correctly if uh ssgs win uh then that means that they will get to talk with like isumi and stuff like that but if Lura win then Kar has one gets like one request and that request is obviously going to end up being that they should talk to each other right so I’m guessing so I feel like there’s not really much difference whoever wins I feel like whoever wins is like it doesn’t matter it’s just for Pride at that point right um so I don’t I I honestly don’t mind either of them winning I like both of the groups of course a that’s a cute [Music] war no you’re jealous oh that’s a bit of an ego yeah let’s go oh this gu oh my God she’s so adorable she’s [Music] adorable these two love birds man [Applause] they’re so cute oh they’re so cute they’re so cute [Music] what’s this oh wait what damn who’s that yeah that was aaz is that the redir it is she’s go she’s a princess you is just e [Music] do you have [Applause] [Music] I remember that that’s cute was like episode five or six right let’s do it do do you have enough time you write it practice it that’s a banger song man that’s such a banger song Ooh okay [Music] man I love that I love you so much oh someone I don’t think so yeah interesting I that I love you so much guys you guys yeah that’s how you do it oh I feel like that’s tied to why uh she left the mood got well weird for it’s going to be next episode isn’t it [Music] no I’m I’m so interested what the they’re talking like like someone someone died what’s happening wow wow wow wow man this episode was so good it feels so good to be back with this because I genuinely love the story I love the tea like my favorite part of this entire anime is just how much gossip and how many how much drama there is between the girls it’s so much fun it’s so much fun just seeing them bent or not benter even but just be at each other’s throats oh my God and like all of the love triangles and stuff like that that’s that’s so fun I love isumi guys every episode that goes by I love isumi more and I know I know it’s like she’s like toxic but hey hey um anyways ah I wonder what happened with them because it feels like like the way they’re talking about it it’s like someone died or something I don’t know I’m guessing it’s not that but still um it’s going to be interesting to see what that thing is that’s kind of um first of all brought isomi away from her previous band and brought her brought this three girls together into this current band I wonder what it is oh I’m so excited to watch it then man and I love how basically we get to see the things from um the other side right from what are it called Laur from la le perspective because hear is obviously now a um the manager of their of their band so it’s so cool watching this oh man I can’t wait for next episode uh yeah anyways I have a feeling I can see why this was such a popular manga because the story of this and the characters is so good so I’m excited to watch more of it man I’m happy that this is back um yeah I I I just don’t want to go into the entire debacle of like you know you know animation and stuff like that because it’s it’s a bit of a tough one but anyways I’m going to end it here though hope you guys enjoyed if you did make sure to like comment subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one peace

Ah it’s good to be back! This story is getting so good, I live how much effort Izumi is going through just to prove a point. I can’t wait to see the reveal in the next episode.

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Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau ささやくように恋を唄う


  1. Fun fact: Shiho dug her own grave.
    -If they lose, she has to spill the beans
    -If they win, Hima can just use that request to have her spill the beans
    God, with each passing episode, i feel more and more hopeful that they may have just enough time to finish the Shiho arc which would be great.
    Seriously tho, the fact that we got this episode caught me off guard because i didn't remember THIS was coming so soon.
    With that said, i love that line from Shiho "I'm tired of getting everyrhing stolen from me", the meaning to that will be made clear later if they finish the Shiho arc….If not, i could just tell it outright after episode 12 (Since by then, you will probably already have a pretty clear idea anyways)
    Finally, i love how awkward things are in this series.
    Aki has this beef with Shiho and we don't know why, Shiho seems to have something against Yori (Judging by their first interaction), Shiho befriended Hima and upon learning she was Yori's girlfriend decided to steal her away, causing even more of a mess, there is also apparentely something going on with Hajime and Momoka that we are gonna learn next episode but might also be somewhat related to everything here….and then there is Mari and Kaori who are just vibing (And i refuse to talk about Miki for reasons)
    Gosh, i feel like this comment was longer than usual, but talking about this whole mess is always such a blast!
    Also, once again: Shiho best girl X3

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