「みかん、感受性するどい」第413話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]

What is it, Mikan? I was thinking it’s finally fall. Mikan Is Emotionally Sensitive. I don’t like fall. It feels sad for some reason. I wonder why it’s so sad? You’re right. I wonder why? Maybe it’s because the year will end soon? Maybe. Maybe I’m not good with endings. Why? What do you mean, why? It’s because it’s sad, of course. Don’t you feel touched when track meets have their closing ceremony? I know the feeling. That hollow feeling after a festival is over. Yeah! The field trip in middle school was really fun, and… Approaching Shin-Yokohama. We’re at Yokohama already. We’ll be there soon. I guess it’s over now. The field trip. No one saw, since they were asleep. Yeah. Shocking, huh? I got so sad that I cried on the bullet train home. I think I know how that feels. Did you cry as well? No, I wasn’t sad enough to cry. It wasn’t, huh? Maybe you’re emotionally sensitive. Emotionally sensitive? Am I? But you cry sometimes when you read books or watch movies, right? That’s a bit different from the emotions I’m talking about. It’s more of a raw reaction. That’s a bit difficult. Yeah. I cry when my favorite TV dramas end as well. What? (TV) No, what are you doing? (TV) What? You told me to catch it! (TV) You idiot! (TV) There’s no pearl in this clam! (TV) Really? (TV) There they are! Arrest them! (TV) Oh no! (TV) They won’t give up, will they? This drama ends today, huh? It’s the final episode. It was fun. It’s over. Please don’t be over. [This drama is fiction.] It’s over. What will I have to look forward to tomorrow? Yeah, I know that feeling! I know, right? The subtitles are longer than usual… Yeah, it’s sad. And it’s like that at tests as well, isn’t it? What? You just can’t seem to remember the era names you memorized… Time’s up! When I run out of time like that, I feel like crying. That’s sad, too. Bitter tears. That’s a bit different, isn’t it? Oh, right. You know, I was really sad last night. The eraser. Eraser? Yesterday, I lent my eraser to Yoshioka. He gave it back with a thank you… Wait, what is this! You, Yoshioka! [Clean side] He used the clean side on purpose! It makes me so angry just to think of it! It makes no sense! I wonder what the matter with him is? Oh no. I’m starting to feel gloomy now. I guess there are both pros and cons to being sensitive. That’s really petty. What did you say? It’s nothing. Oh right. There was this really expensive blueberry jam I got as a gift. But you start to run out when you eat it, right? Well, yeah. And in the end… There’s no more. There’s only a little. It’s a bit tear-inducing to run out of something really tasty. That’s sad as well. Do you have something like that too, Shimi-chan? Times when you cry because you’re sensitive. Well, from hearing you talk maybe you aren’t so much emotionally sensitive as obsessive. [Obsessive] Obsessive? Petty, to put it less nicely. What is it if you put it nicely? Greedy. [Greedy] [Please subscribe to the channel, Atashin’chi] (singing) Red rose of passion, and jealousy.

#あたしンち #情熱の赤いバラ #atashinchi








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「みかん、感受性するどい」第413話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]



  1. 好きな作品が最終回くると悲しくなるのめっちゃ分かる…😢

  2. ブルーベリージャムくらい お母さんに買ってもらえ!お母さんなんか水島さんとよくお茶してるよ!旅行もしてるし!

  3. 話が進むにつれてみかんは褒められてると思って調子に乗って自惚れはじめてるっていうのがわかる。

  4. みかんとしみちゃんのやり取り、本当好き😊


  5. 好きなドラマが終わってしまう寂しさはわかるなあ

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